RE: Good news. Have a look at the German Wallstreet Axi Forum (average: over 6,000 views per day). There you can read lots of good Infos too
Here for example a post from User Pompeianus (with Google Translator)
Resource Summary
Roche Bay
Zone C:
501.3 million tonnes grading 26.35% Indicated
65.9 million tonnes grading 26.37% Inferred
Zone A / B:
92.2 million tonnes grading 24.64% * Inferred
465.3 million tonnes grading 7.31 Inferred
Indicated + Inferred result in a current resource of 1124.7 million tonnes.
* More was obviously due to the made to date, mainly historical, drill holes in Zone A / B is not possible.
"Already the 501 million tons of indicated would be sufficient to zone C at an assumed annual output of 10 million tons of the RB-mine 50 years to run."
Or here from Stockports:
The 80% refers only to Roche Bay. At around 567.2 million tonnes for the C-zone, we come to the statement on a total resource for Roche Bay of approximately 2.8 billion tons
The resource estimate for Tuktu one makes according to the company of only 10% of the total resource. At 465.3 million tonnes so far this alone makes for Tuktu thus 4.653 billion tons Tuktu and 1 is still significantly expanded in 2012.
Unless one of these "miscalculation" follows, abstracted from the resource categories, it is therefore very conservatively estimated to total 7.453 billion tons
It should also be noted that one AXI cutt-off of 20% are considered. Compares the time has lain down with mineral exploration companies such as Champion, whose course is a great performance in recent weeks and will begin with DFS. AXI is so well known, almost. Everything, as always, just my opinion.
Have fun with your own analysis
and much more interesting infos