Resource "cut-off" grade..... It has been stated, that I/we should have informed readers here that management lowered the Roche Bay resource cut-off grade from 25% to 20%......supposedly to raise the resource itself!
Well, anybody that has read the news releases and/or reports, would be very aware of this change that took place last spring.
But, the problem with this statement was not management who decided upon a lower cut-off grade, but the geologists! Management does not have the power or authority to do such a thing. And the geologist made this decision, based upon numerous fundamental changes. 1) as more and more mineral definition is lab work and flow sheets......a geologist becomes more confident in the resource; 2) the proposed iron product changed from 96% iron content nuggets to 65% iron content concentrate.
But, I suspect the primary reason for the geologist choosing a lower cut-off grade was to be more in line with their respective peers. For example.....even today......Alderon [ADV] is using a cut-off grade of 20% in their first initial resource estimate, as is Century [FER]; Adrianna [ADI] is using 18%, as is NML; and Champion [CHM] is using the very lower cut-off grade of 15%, as was Consolidated Thompson before they entered into production. And all of these explorers/producers are targeting a iron concentrate production.
Up until last spring, AXI was the only iron ore developer that I was aware of, that was strangely using the higher cut-off grade of 25%. But there is nothing stopping any investors from performing their due diligence on AXI, based on a cut-off grade of 25% if you so desire. But be sure to apply that same quantifier to all your other inquiries as well.