YNG articles https://classicvalueinvestors.com/i/2011/11/yukon-nevada-gold-corp-the-drama-is-about-to-end/
This has been posted before but it is my opinion that it is more accurate and more realistic then the one
by Kelpiecapital. It slightly predates the Kelpie one, has all of the same information and more except it has what I believe is a more realistic conclusion.
Assuming that Yukon-Nevada achieves a production goal of 300,000 ounces of gold by the beginning of 2013, it will be set to generate more than $216 million in opearing income. Applying a conservative multiple of 7 gets you to $1.50 per share, which is a five bagger from now.
Kelpie states
Yukon-Nevada is a deeply under-valued US-based small-cap gold miner with operations in Nevada, USA and British Columbia, Canada. I believe YNG is approaching an inflection point where it may begin to realise something approaching its “true value”. I will try to convince you below that there is the strong possibility that YNG is not worth $224m at today’s price of
.24 per share but instead is almost certainly worth $1.00, is probably worth $2.50 and could even be worth $7.00+
I am optimistic about this stock and the share price moving upward but is it really undervalued ? In reality the shareprice of any stock is exactly what you can sell or trade it for. The value may change tomorrow or next quarter etc but for now it is worth about .25 per share. There are some major banks and investors trading this stock daily and it usually trades in excess of a million shares per day and they obviously believe it is worth around .25 because they are willing to sell it for that and are not willing to pay much higher.
I have held this stock for many years, yes have made some good money on the stock as well. I hold a considerable amont of shares and expect to once gain make good money on my shares.
Best of fortune to all !