FACTS VERSUS DREAMS A quick scan of this forum reveals a strong aversion to truthful FACTS. I have 2 bulging folders in my files full of PR's, newspaper stories, and glowing prediction articles written by YNG surrogates, plus many Pollyanna posts by Kool-Aid drinking YNG puppets, NONE OF WHICH EVER CAME TRUE!!!! YNG has never reported ONE CENT of earned profit in 23 consecutive quarters, but did report 23 consecutive quarterly losses for a total of over $350,000,000 LOST. They also contain YNG promises to produce 150,000 ozs of gold in 2010 and 2011, FACTS do give strong reason for concern, but now we are asked to BELIEVE YNG will produce over 150,000 ozs gold in 2012, PT BARNUM said "THERE IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE". Does this forum prove that statement????? Also, I never get in a smelling contest with cute, white striped, black kitty-cats. Just a few facts and MHO. ICE