GianderiA very interesting info about the Gianderi project from the german board. Translated with Google:
"Good morning-andluck!
Things are happeninginvein- something thattheprice couldshootupDRAMATICALLY.
The magic word is:GIANDERI
This projecthadbeenno oneonthe list since yet
The property isapproximately1,000 hectares(10,000,000m²) in northernPeru'sis 100%in the handsofVena. Inthe vicinityarenumerous goldmines -such astheRioAlto.
But nowit gets interesting- thegeologistshave discoveredveinat afirst trial,that this areahas theexact samerockstructureand goldcontent as theonly6kmawaygoldminein SantaRosa.
Currentlystillgetsthenecessarydrilling permitsoneveinand then tobeginin March/April with thedrilling. Shouldconfirmthe gold contentin the soil (so faronly the surfacehas beentested),thenitgoesaround. This is oneof the reasonswhyveingoing oncurrently so-notthemajorzinc mine.
Ifgold is foundonGianderi- thenthezinc mineandthe uraniumonlybits and pieces.
Then you gooff likeinRioAlto.
Itwill be exciting."