GREY:GYPHQ - Post by User
Comment by
paperboy222on Jan 25, 2012 10:23am
Post# 19446379
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: More of the same...
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: More of the same... Spec..
You really make this to easy for me and I do have some what of heart.... contrary to what Kiwi thinks ..
When you come on this thread using words from the English language such as "Actually Logical and not Paranoid" And then go into good reasoning of why this company could possibly be with holding material information to stabilize the SP.. Not to mention such foolish postings have less value then 10# of horse fodder. at least mushrooms can grow on that..
I'm sorry but when we cross the line on this thread ever suggesting wrong doing by the company and or BOD with out proof-- Then some one is getting schooled and feeling Gored with LONG HORNS after...
Pump. Bash. Hype. Speculate,= But freedom of speech never allows to Us to insinuate a company might be knowingly and willfully manipulating their stock price.
My 2 cents worth & best of Luck for your investments