RE: New Technique I spoke with the chief geologist at CSI after their AGM a year or two back. He said without drilling it's impossible to detect LEVELS of gold. There is no such method. You can only tell if there is SOME gold there, but not how much. I'd trust his word more than anyone's at GMV (if indeed GMV is claiming such a method exists).
Also, wasn't GMV pumping up how great the OLD method was in many of their previous releases? What happenned to that?
Finally, I find interesting this rumour (from another poster) that GMV has results in-hand and are "preparing" them for release. Wonder how many days/weeks they'll let the stock trade in that state, with only "well connected" people knowing the results?
If the rumour posted on this bullboard is true -- which I actually doubt -- it's an outrage. If I still owned any stock, I'd be calling or e-mailing them now, demanding halt until release.