OK Those That WatchedWhere does EVG management fit into the senarios that MR Cook mentioned. How much of their own money is into the company, how much time does management spend on the company & how many boards does current & past management sit on. I posted a long ways back that one in our management was sitting on way too many boards & if someone wants to check you will see who it was. Some of what Cook said is pretty basic knowledge & as I stated good management is the number 1 reason to buy into a company. What they have is second to great management. Great management can take a mediocre company & make it great. Bad management can take a great company & bankrupt it. Is .24 g/t of high grade enough to make it economical? See just having high grade is not good enough a company must also have it in sufficient quantities to make it economical. This is just food for thought no bashing no pom poms. EVG is what it is & only time will tell if it will be the 1 in 10,000 that makesit. Or will it go the way of the DoDo bird that's the GAMBLE everyone here is taking. The odds as Mr Cook stated are clearly against most gold or any other mining company.