RE: RE: Gold Standard OT - Gold is not used to force morality, but as a reliable currency. Gold has strong store value than paper money as paper can be easily print. At the same time, gold is limited and will not match a country GDP, nor it is convient to carry.
True, the bankster bought the system. However, paper money has no limitation. So there is a political debate to go back to the gold standards. That still is a long shot... but the discussion is out there in the GOP debate.
As for religion, people are not scam by religion or other people - people scam themselves. All religion stress faith and faith by definition is is quoted in Hebew 11:1 is "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assusrance about what we do not see". AKA: a belief without proof.
If Slam was to give you an invisible gold nugget and tell you to have faith in it, and you do - that's your belief. As long as you don't force me to believe in an invisible gold nuggeet, I don't really care. Society has a long way to go, but it is better than the dark ages.