RE:dumbest move Hey Irish,
I wouldn't knoock yourself up tooooo much on that one as two-three years on a venture junior is an eternity and soooo many things can happen that the fact it turned around and went on a tear instead of vanishing is just the winning lottery ticket. If u r gonna worry over things like that then buy lottery tickets instead as the juniors move too fast and the vanishing game is always around the corner. That said has to hurt to see the share price so i would try and NOT see that particular stock quote ever again. LOL have experenced the same, just a few days ago didn't execute a 100,000 share buy order on EKG at .145 and missed out on an easy 40,000 profit but thats the Venture for you easy come easy go just survive to trade another day and make sure its more wins than losses over time! Cheers,