RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Needed tho Argentina will be spun out regardless
Samaria is small potatoes
Think big be big
I knew AAA was serious years ago when they assembled the team they did......
look at this post from a poster I trust...tell me what you think
From Scorpio
that both the corporate presentations for Allana and Ethiopian Potash have been taken down from their respective websites or is this just a pure coincidence? Makes you wonder if something is going on behind the scenes in terms of M&A activity that will be revealed shortly. Might also explain the significant delays in Ethiopian Potash getting out their recent drill results to the marketplace. Ethiopian Potash needs cash, better management dealmaking skills and the right connections while Allana has a chance to cheaply consolidate the basin while prices are low. If I were Ethiopian's management, I would be asking myself who can negotiate a better end deal for all shareholders.
I am pretty sure that Ethiopian's major shareholders want to sell out within the next 6-12 months and who better to maximize that shareholder value for them than merge the two companies, exchange FED shares for AAA now, AAA arranges for financing and offtakes, let the martket believe that you are going to production with the two properties where 4 mm tons of potash production per year is possible and then when the BFS is issued this fall, stand back and watch the offers come in for the whole ball of wax. This way, you will maximize the interest and bidding on the single prize of the combined properties by the Indians, Chinese , BHP, Vale etc. and you will get a price based on the ability to go to production with both properties...not just one.
Maybe Farhad convinced Waugh that he will get more money in the end by joining the AAA team now than by going it alone. As well, I think the reality is that Farhad will also sell out at the right price where the valuation is based on the ability to go to production. However, if the properties were to remain separate, you could see the Chinese, BHP and Vale being more interested in Allana while the Indians might be more interested in going after the cheaper less developed Ethiopian Potash property. They seem to be more price sensitive than other potential bidders.
Just thinking out loud here guys.