Buying Who out there is actually buying right now? My personal thought is now is the time to get in, I'm lowering my avg cost by getting in at these levels. My avg cost per share is around .032, so the more shares I can pick up at .02/.025 the better! I currently hold about 1.7% of the company and will continue to grow from there, looking to get to 2% as more money comes in I will continue to buy at these levels 50,000/100,000 at a time.
I have a couple questons for the group:
Anyone else up over 1% of the company? If so thinking we could form a group and come up with new idea's for the company...if we can come together as 10% of the company it will make our voice to the company that much stronger. I feel FUT already is very open to share holders, however with 10% of the company in holding it make our opinion matter that much more.
Who is actually still buying at these levels? I made up about 25% of the volume last weeks so just wondering who is with me?