RE: Insider Buying?? CRK Management buying up shares? LOL! Perhaps they see the value in Luxor running the show too?
Haven't looked recently but the old Pres & CEO of Central Sun didn't sell any shares when B2Gold took over and may not have sold any some three years hence! THAT inspsite taking the helm at a new development project and owning only a few shares (which is kinda embarassing if you ask me...stay investing the project you lost, but don't put your own money behind the new one?)
I was buying Glencairn Gold way back when the Bella Vista Mine was sliding down the hillside and all of the SH BB "experts" were calling for the death of the company and one HUGE environmental disaster. Was a good lesson to think for one's self and not follow BB "conventional wisdom." I don't think the market still appreciates the potential the la Libertad Mine has once they get the Jabal vein material into the mill.
Now let's hope that Luxor finds the guys running the show to be as competent as those they hired to run the iron mine!