GREY:GYPHQ - Post by User
Comment by
paperboy222on Feb 03, 2012 8:17pm
Post# 19489046
RE: RE: Also talked to Marvin
RE: RE: Also talked to Marvin Mr Marvin Kiwi..
You have to slow down . high blood pressure at our age is not a good thing. :) I've seen shuffles like this before, I've also seen trading patterns like this before..Usually when the Top guy doesnt like an offer. hostile or friendly. and or the price, he stomps his foot.. Then others from the BOD tip the chair so he's on his can and the control of the reigns is now in someone else hands.
From what we read today>> There was an internal power struggle on the BOD, seems to be logical thinking? termination is a fiunny word.. Mr JK was then ousted on his keester.. Watch now as things unfold. again I still believe there will be a take out and the price offered is ugly and no where near what some of us or others thought it should be as true value.. Somewhere in this ugly area of 18-27
All of this is speculation but I have watched TD long enough to know they are accumilating for someone and this is not a chump player at the table.. My bets are its for someone who wants some serious say in the operations and someone is getting put on the BOD... This new player is the man who represents the interest of ?????
Some more Hitchock please..