circular is avaible on-line on sedar for download The circular is available on-line for down load, should you wish.located on "sedar"
lots of paper.
lots of duplication in the Dundee side they say what wrk is, on the wrk side they say what Dundee is.
in the middle they describe the deal and advantages to both.
A well negotiated deal and a further tribute to Jason's ability to bring things together.
Re picking the bottom or the top. depends on ones investment criteria. if you intend to get in and out, that is a reasonable goal.
If the intention is to buy an "investment" which will provide income and grow over time, the bottom and top is totally irrelevant.
The decision needs to always be: based on the future potential of the companies operations, would I want to own it a year from now? if the answer is yes , then buy the dam thing.
If the answer is no, then sell,
Like I said , my most recent and last buy of wrk was Jan 3rd at $13.28.Only a few hundred units.
All of the analysts were calling for a "buy" with a 12 month target of $14-$15.50 range. $13 ish was a good deal.
Dundee will be around in a year , two years and all things considered hopefully 3 years.
Even if we have a market melt down ( which would drive the continued low interest rates), Dundee will continue to pay a 6.5% distribution.
BTW Dundee has "top pick" rating from many brokerages, with price ranges from $35 to $37.
They were pre-white rock , have yet to see any reports since the deal announcemnet. Saying that it is very early.
Stop thinking about nickels & dimes and let the power of compounding work for you.
Buy , hold , collect ,repeat.