GREY:GYPHQ - Post by User
Post by
paperboy222on Feb 08, 2012 9:13am
Post# 19503988
Could the Scorpion be ready to Sting?
Could the Scorpion be ready to Sting? Just more speculation, Heres a name not to forget either. Scorpio Gold . > SGN.. I was heavily invested in them and through them came across Gryphon Gold. Through Golden Phoenix which use to control both of these prize real estate mines in Nevada.. Borealis & Mineral Ridge
Methinks if I was The Gold Scorpion> Mr. PJ Hawley and knowing the current circumstances of Gryphon, having these 2 similar properties side by side and also having already been in bed before.. I'd definitely STING NOW !!!
This man knows his business when it comes to Gold & Silver... V.SGN @ 60 cents & T.SPM @ 0.85.. Both have given me returns.. I would definitely if run by Mr Hawley... I'd SAY OUI....
Dont anyone get their boxers bunched yet , just speculation on my part as I try to figure who might take a chair at the table.. Cause a run on GGN is going to happen sooner than later. especially in this limping stage.