RE: Good stuff here..... Drilling, I think that you are probably bang on with a lot of what you have posted. Save the part about not living in a fantasy world. We all do somewhat, that's why we invest in these d # m penny stocks in the first place. Dreaming of the big pay day, living (oh yes) in a "fantasy world". Otherwise we'd buy CPG for 45, forget about her, kick our shoes off, put our feet up and collect that 6% a month. I'm not sure where ATK is with financing right now, but they should have some cash flow. If they do attain 400 bls/day x $100 (maybe) x 30 days = $ 1.2 mil a month. They should be able to do some drilling with that. Congrats for being at 5.5, that's a good number and you should do just fine with this stock. I have to wonder though, if there would be a lot of interest in ATK at the present production level. I guess if we sell for a "fire sale" price, then sure someone would pick her up. I'm not in favor of that, I'm very much inclined to getting this company to plus 1000/bls/day. They have enough locations to achieve that, just another 12 or so 50 barrelers. As investors we entrusted this management team to create value, they have had a strong record in that department in the past. We trust they wil preform, that's part of the reason we signed on in the first place. So we're at 400, let's do the other 600 and we'll all have a chunk of fantasy world. <:)
"Drill baby drill ,........ have a "good one" all you ATK investors .............Una