Is this Cholesterol Device needed? YESSS ! I live in rural Canada.It currently takes me the better part of a month to get blood test results. First I have to make an appointment to see my family doctor, her office is opened only on Tuesdays,so usually take two Tuesdays to get a appointed.The office is always full and running behind schedule,so this ruins 1/2 day from my time to see her for 5 she can tell the nurses to send me to the hospital for blood work. The closest hospital is a four hours round trip,plus time spent at the hospital waiting to have blood drawn! This ruins another full day! Then I wait a week to ten days for the lab results and the results are sent to my family doctor. So I make another appointment to see her ,takes a week to ten days... plus ruins another half day on the day of the appointment.
I self employed,I have no sick leave or vacation days...the two 1/2 days seeing my family doctor plus the full day on the day I have my blood drawn, cost me hundreds of dollars ,and the medicare system thousands of dollars. So needless to say by the time I receive my cholesterol results I am soo aggravated and disgusted with the ineffective system my blood pressure is sky high...
YESSSSSS we certainly sure need Miraculins Device, 15 min can have results back...saving Canadians and the public medicare system tens of millions of dollars!