On the Quarterdeck! I was only teasing, elguyu! I think we are all expecting great things from this next news release.
Do you think there's any possibility that SLX has renegotiated the price of that Silver Standard property acquisistion that they wrote down last year? Wouldnt that be something!
I'd be satisfied with:
- Operating Profit for the last Qtr, and perhaps operating profit for the year,
- Recovery of the Silver Standard write-down,
- Mill working at full capacity,
- Some really positive drill results,
- Some big production news from Rosario,
- If cash on hand is adequate, then a decision to hold back some silver in anticipation of a rise in price,
- News of imminent new resource calculations,
- Cash on hand more than adequate to cover capital and drilling for 2012
I guess if I were Arthur Brown, I'd earn my keep by reminding everyone in the Company it's what I have been calling for this past year. I'd pack the Board off to breakfast, each with a $5 food voucher, and my final remark ringing in their ears::
"Don't undermine me by coming up with anything less!"
Oh, for the good old days of the Spanish Conquisadores, when mining was a simpler, unregulated business; the days when Drake and Hawkins could reroute to England shipments incorrectly addressed to Spain!
"Oh, pardon me, but what was that?" "It was nothing - just the cat!"
Look to it bosun, and lay on with a will! We need to suppress this discontent in the fo'c.s'le! Our masters await their silver, and there are many, many spoons yet to be made!