RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: NI43-101 UPDATE? Thanks for the info Litex. This confirms almost exactly what I had noted the other day. I was pretty sure that good news was coming and regardless of all the nervous nellies out there, I will go on record now , as opposed to a couple of years from now, that this is a brilliant move by Bill Sherrif. He has put virtually all of the other projects on hold or on slow down and is concentrating most of the resources of the company on the developemnt of Brewery Creek. Now seriously folks, would you rather have 75% of that deal or 100? I realize there is a small amount of dilution here but in my opinion the increase is easily justified and in short order many of you will be jumping on the bandwagon after coming to the realization that this is the way to "grow" a company. I'm not too worried about the market for the short term here, what I believe is that we will see a substantial jump on the publication of the NR 43's. Good management and smart moves make for a strong SP even if it does often take some time for the market to get it. I am absolutely in line with your thinking on this Scottie as will most of this Board be in a couple of months time.