Napkin math on holes 71 & 63 Okay...if holes 71 and 63 are both 300m out from the eastern edge, and they are 300m apart, that gives the ability to approximate more tonnage.
Length = 300m
Width = 300m
Depth = 450m (I know hole 71 goes to over 800m, but 63 only goes just over 450m so going conservative)
Conversion = 2.8 tonnes per cubic meter (some use 3)
300 x 300 x 450 x 2.8 = 113.4m tonnes
@ 0.60 % Cu eq
113,400,000 x 0.006 = 680,400 tonnes Cu eq
= 1.3B lbs of Cu eq
So, very rough napkin math, but those two holes suggest continuity of the resource to the amount of around 1.3B more lbs of Cu eq. Now, reality is that the ore body doesn't suddenly stop right at edge of the holes, but on the conservative side it varies throughout the new area. But, I would say that at least another 1B lbs of Cu eq just hit the books. And if you check out the drill plan map on the news release, you can see that they have lots more holes to the north and north-east of the current 43-101 resource that they are drilling. If they continue to step out in 300m chunks and continue to find economical ore, the fact it is on the outer diameters of what is already a big zone only speaks towards the potential of >20B lbs Cu being possible.