RE: RE: VanHopeLESS OK, lets turn you from VanHopless to VanHopful. This recent romp has made baggies out of your granny, your nieghbours, the postman and even your dog. THis company has a prodcut with potential but rollout has been slower than expcted for a long time... finally gainging some will give it that. but until it starts making money, its hard to assign a price on this. Potentially it can go as high as 50 cents, maybe even a buck, wjo knows, depends on a lot of factoirs..but as of right now...15 cents looks like its attractve priced. Volume isnt huge and spread is as wide as Paris Hilton's legs so it deserves to be priced like most pennies. I would expect NO NEWS out for the next month and once this nrew round of Pumply fools finish, it will trend lower...but if I can prvent these new baggies from being preyed upon..then we can go to its fairvalue with less people goign into the ER. After that I will let you knw where it willgo from then,