RE: RE: Endgame I'm definitely going to do that...(not "try"but do)...liquidity happens when it happens and lack of liquidity allows
us to scoop up all the 5 and 5.5 cent shares on Tuesday when market reopens....the next liquidity event will
probably be this week when they announce the NAV of 13 - 16 cents...which should take the stock to 8-9,,,or
overshoot to .11....Rarely does a capital corporation such as RIN or Pinetree trade at Net Asset Value, as if they
did it would imply that their MASSIVE holdings in other companies are very liquid...which usually they are not...
I don.t suggest taking a million share position but for home-gamers 50-100,000 shares should provide a quick
return if they don't get greedy (ie wait for higher and higher prices)...I have no opinion on the "quality"of this
company...but I do believe I can make some quick easy coin on this your due diligence on their
holdings values 0n Dec 31 vis-avis Jan 31...and their worth as of today...the only share price direction in short
term is up...good luck Nick...