Just remember 96 new Nukes coming on over the next 10 years!!! 1.5 mil lbs a piece to start up and .5 mil lbs a year to operate, plus 435 existing reactors in the world, that are using 136 mil lbs a year and another 50 million lbs per year coming up for a total of 186 mil lbs a year. The total world production is around 55 million lbs, sounds like a bit of a short fall, to say the least.
DML,for the patient, could be easily a $10 stock in 5 years if the world economy continues to grow or even maintains the status quo. That is a double from this level every year, not a bad rate of return. I hope I am patient and follow my own advice. DML has survived through a pretty bad time for U stocks and now the USSR treaty for enriched warhead uranium is nearly over I think the show is going to get very exciting for U stocks, especially producers.
I owned APL.N at $9 a few years ago and sold at a whopping $14 knowing full well it would come back to its original $40 and nice dividend. It is now $34 and paying a $2.50 dividend!! Kick kick! Patience is not my greatest asset and I can name quite a few more. Hopefully I can remained disciplined and add more.JMHO