RE: RE: Table pounding buy! It would be a great move for Rock and PXL to merge only if PXL management were in control.
Rock is even cheaper on every metric than PXL. Bought today and posted such on the RE forum.
My comments are below. and I have provided a link.
Feedback much appreciated.
Insanity for sure. I bought today.
In for 75000 shares.
It appears to be a no brainer.
What puzzles me is why the short position went up from end of January to mid February.
Insiders have not bought recently is concerning given public information released.
Perhaps they remain restricted?
Also the website has not been updated.
With all recent transactions you would assume effort would have gone in to promptly update presentation.
This appears to be the most investor unfriendly junior energy listing.
Not even a email to contact the company.
I dont have time to play telephone tag .
Today it appears Griffiths and First Energy are doing everything to continue shorting the stock or capping it.
Perhaps a very large cross is imminent?
Arc has a significant position.
Trying to stimulate discussion here .
Anyhow on the surface this appears to be the most mispriced asset in the junior sector.
Almost too good to be true.