Sometimes No News Is.... Good News. Ever heard that saying! They could very well be putting together something bigger. Problem is, traders are impatient. Penny stocks are highly daytraded etc. Traders are in and out all over the place, moving their money to the next quick flip and onward again. Lots of good companies have their stocks driven up and down by the markets. Being at 1.5 to 2 cents doesn't mean the company will fold. This has happened before. They keep adding new dealers so there is progress. They have laid out their plans for the US market. It takes time to build a solid quality business. If they want to do it right and have it last then it will take some time. I would rather see revenues coming in to continue expanding the company rather than financing and more dilution and possible consolidation. It might be a good idea to offer the dealers some kind of stock incentive as well. If the dealers started picking up stock in the company it wouldn't take too long to create some strong handed strength.