My Retail Take As an actual retail investor (truthbesold) I wanted to share my humble take on GGN over the last 24hr's with what in my opinion stands out MOST to me.
Now that the last production issue has been rectified by both yesterdays NR and today's CC, we should be expecting production of aproximately 3600 oz /mo from the estimated yearly total of 43,600 oz proposed.
Given that it has been stated expenses incurred for GGN toal aproximately 1000 oz /mo, this should leave us with a ballpark profit of of roughly 2500 oz/ mo (or at a conservative price of $1700/oz - 4.25 million profit each and every month).
This "cash positive" staus will provide the ability to expand, drill, and plan for future operations.
Think what will happen when we have a quarterly report showing this standout point.
So, everything else aside, all the bull that we've been through the last month, this is was what I was looking for with respect to my investment. This is why I bought such a large retail position!
The fact that its trading at the price it currently is tell me i should buy more.
Wouldnt you invest in a company that can produce that kind of $$$ every month?