RE: RE: Friends NO More???, Hmmm. Looks like LuketheKid has given Daniel a couple of big boots in the cajones, which has struck a reflexive response from the Kitsilano ex-kids who are big, big holders of those 11.5 million 30-cent warranholder shares which have been sloshing around since January of 2011.
When you see Josh's name come out, then you know that it's likely that LuketheKid has blown his wad and it's now every clay-footed cowboy for himself.
Canaccord is long over 1,007,000 shares since December 1. If those shares haven't been flogged back through anonymous (which has sold 1,018,000 shares during the same period of time)...well, I'd hate to be a broker and maybe be looking at a $550,000 debit balance in an account somewhere.
What's that old adage about? You know, "And olde folke understood, When theves fall out, true men come to their good, Which is not alwaie true."