RE: RE: Hang in there! I'm just a fan of RIM and their products - not a fanboy or a tech analyst, but your comment struck me funny because you sounded almost exactly the same as RIM fanboys did 5+ years ago when everyone who was anybody needed their Crackberry. I remember making fun of friends who had Blackberries because they were more attached to their smartphone than their girlfriends/wives. Back then, RIM was growing exponentially with no end in sight, tons of cash and prospects. Considering how quickly they fell off the mountain, I think it's comical that the new Apple fanboys seem to think that their brand is now invincible. Apple is seeing fantastic, amazing growth....but do you think it's going to last forever?? They've saturated the market so heavily with their iProducts that their competitors are already making fun of them (seen some of the latest Samsung ads). Their market growth in some foreign markets is already slowing down. They are not going to rule the world and they are not going to be number #1 forever. In our lifetimes, we'll probably see several changes at the top...probably by a few companies that we haven't even heard of yet. Will Apple be around? Sure they will. Will RIM be around? I'm confident they will unless they turn into the next Palm. But just re-read your comment - you sound exactly like RIM fans did years ago. I know I wouldn't buy Apple now because I know it's not going to grow indefinitely. It might grow another 10%, 20%, 50% even....I don't know. I do know that at some point, Apple will either make a mistake, become way too mainstream to be cool, or meet a new competitor with a new flavour of the month....RIM happened to have all three things happen to them at the same time. But by all means, buy as much AAPL as you like - enjoy it while it lasts.