GREY:OLEPF - Post by User
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tony1969on Mar 03, 2012 11:21am
Post# 19622043
It will happen..
It will happen.. I agree with what Jima said a couple of days ago. I believe that to a certain extent this has been Chet's plan for a while now. I am relatively certain that there is more than one bidder for this world class resource and a deal will happen by May. I have been told by a person that knows about mining that potential buyers do not necessarily rely too much on the NI 43-101 numbers. They know roughly how much gold there is just by the meters and the grade they are pulling. He told me that OLE knows this and that is why they placed more importance on drilling instead of certifying the samples last year. There is already probably over 5 to 6 million ounces that can be certified if they want to spend their dwindling cash on it.