RE: Take the Emotion Out Until we hear back from Sprott or another big shareholder on their position, media outlets are our best bet, critical mass talked about getting a list of the this possible? And if so, how do you obtain the list? We need to be proactive as possible, and we should be focusing on pressuring Sprott, Criical Mass, send your info to them, same with RBC. If we get one large shareholder to ask for more it will start a landslide. I have emailed both, but I'm guessing someone with accounts with Sprott or RBC will be more likley to get an answer.
Just to play devil's advocate, the best case scenario at this point, is 62 mil+25 mil in assets, assuming that cash reserves go to paying down 10 mil debt. This would give 87 mil/237 = 0.36 cents. Now that is the best case scenario in the present situation. What a load of B.S., with Anglo getting their money back for whatever they offer for assets because they own 20% they are essentially paying themselves.