RE: Need some advice Always difficult to advise someone else as to what they should or shouldn't do. IF it were me, I would hold. Controversy is not new to SNC. The co. is probably in for more negative publicity, especially given the events in Libya. IMO, the CEO was not involved in the "alleged" attempts to get Gadaffi's son into Mexico, nor would he condone such a scheme IMO. What would he have to gain by being involved in such a scheme? Have to wait for all these allegations to play out. While SNC may be more for the longs at this point, I believe it would be worth holding. However, if you are not sleeping at night as a result of your holdings, and you feel you cannot afford to lose more money, then perhaps you should sell for your own peace of mind.
This company has been around for a very long time and it is my belief that they will continue to do so.