RE:Worst case scenerio Yea, Mr K, I think you have been hammering feasibility But all that whining and crying in between kind drowned out the message. Heres something to wet your pants. We are in one of the most risky games--innovation.
The revised pea will either certify us as economic or let us know were in big trouble.
Check out bxi, if you want the worst case scenerio. I was trading it around the 2.50 level and got back in at .90, doubled up at .40 cents when it looked like their high protein canola processing plant was about to prove it could be scaled up for comercialization. It wasn't and so I was able to buy 30,000 shares at .14 cents. It doubled to .28 cents and I am now playing with the house's money with 5 times more shares.
Bxi is another game changing technology on the prairies-- their way back has been to downsize plans and they just came out with a third party anaylsis legitimizing their concept. Its a few months ahead of ort and worth watching.
The morale of the story is that if ort drops big and you still believe in the concept, be ready to buy.