the facts about Headway We do not know that the Headway is a failure.
We do know that there has been a temporary change in priority.
We do know that management has said publicly as recently as the last Deposit Hunters interview that they still believe in this property.
We do know that Goldcorp has confirmed it at a depth of 2442 metres approx 1000 metres east and dipping SW towards the Headway.
Remember that the deposit dips at roughly 70 degrees so it should be found at greater depth than the Goldcorp property deepending on where on the Hedway the drill is collared and directed.
We also know that to date the deepest the drill has gone at the Headway is 2603 metres and at that depth management stated that we were in the upper portion of the mineralized zone.
"as we approach the target horizon in hole MH901, there is an increasing presence of black line faults, biotite and silica altered mafic inter-beds and sporatic quartz-tourmaline + or - ankerite (iron carbonate) veins containing arsenopyrite and pyrite.
Hole MH901 is at a depth of 2603 metres in an inter-bedded mixture of variably altered mafic to felsic volcanics just above the target horizon.
The alteration provides strong geological evidence that MH901 is within the upper portion of the mineralized target horizon." (news release Feb 2011)
I would venture to say that the most likely truth of the matter is in what management has stated publicly or stated in official new releases.
Officially, LC bailled. Officially management replaced this contractor within 1 week.
That seems like a sense of urgency to me.
Yes, management decided that as the new drill deep drilling rig arrived in Red Lake that they had a opportunity to deep test a target at NM that might provide some usefull information.
Yes, the urgency to move NM and MB forward has caused a severe cash drain and new cash was offered so management determined that a hen in hand is better than a bird in the bush.
Come on people. Relax, we are adding more than enough ozs to adress the dilution issue.
Expectation is 1.8 million new ozs this year within the Headway.
Some posters would be better served to tell the whole story instead of just the part that when twisted supports their agenda.
all of this in my humble opinion and based on official news releases from management.