enviros would allow an open pit mine thats in if the tailings an extracts are trucked far away from it an are contained fer leakage an contamination costin billions $ alone
an thats if becuz they need so much water
no acqifer wall be allowed to be lowered er adversely affected by thar needs
an a huge containment pond far from the pit will be required
sos no pollution gits into the ground water costin billions$ more
meanan no solution minin wall be permitted
and the cost of a pit this deep to be so great
underground minin wall have to be done
but fer around the 8 billion $ mark altogether
noooooo body wit the glut of potash around will fund it
very few solution mines exist now
an sask regrets ever allowin any of em to do it
sask is stepping up pollution prevention now
not goin ahead to add more to it
tis not in epos best interest to say so an they wont fer as long as they can git away with it
ther makin money off the investers ya see
just do a querie wit any of the half dozen sask enviro departments and see fer yerselves