alarm bells Doesnt the propensity of the really dedicated pumpers on this board to extoll the virtues of this property and all its potential while we wait for 4 drill holes to come back worry some?
consider when someone comes on and makes a logical point about suspect management or the geology and all fo a sudden it's "you're right, these plays are risky and we all know were here to gamble" until there have been so many pumping, positive posts that the logical, balanced posts questioning them are pushed out of view.
Then it's right back to the over the top pump again...
It's so easy to spot the pumpers with alterior motives and seperate them from the hopeful, misinformed or inexperienced investors they prey on.
Prowler, I really hope you own all of your comments here defending BKT against common sense when things do finally play out.
That goes or the rest of you and I both know who you are.
Everyone else, the writing is on the wall here and you only have yourselves to blame for the inevitable end result.