Rumors Like the urban legend of the Boogeyman, the innuendo is starting to take hold.
"Something's wrong with the geology."
"Issues with the licenses."
"SOC lawsuit."
"Conspiracy to release the sweet holes first and dupe investors."
"Resource estimate will be late."
"Seeding the cores."
Yada, yada, yada.
Get a hold of yourself folks. Here's an interesting link posted by a nice gentleman on the HNDI board. It gives a non-geologist's neutral view of Handeni, the inherrent problems with the geology, and the potential. If you have to doubt, at least educate yourself on what you have. This guy didn't gripe and beetch all day - he took the effort, constructed his own models and came to his personal conclusions. While reading this, remember that this only includes Magambazi, and I don't necessarily completely agree with his methodology, but I do believe he's pretty close to being on the money. If HNDI has located 17 or so potential targets, it follows that CAN also has additional targets on its property and a better than even chance of expanding its resource significantly.