RE: Rumors It's a lot of work and I admire the ability and in the end like this person it comes down to the summary sheet.
Fortunately there are experts in their fields in this world that precludes me needing to be a surgeon to have my appendix removed. unless of course they are not a surgeon and just faking it. That could potentially be a disaster, yes ?
What is fairly valued in todays market for a company with $116m in the bank and 2 mil gold ounces on a 43-101 and 220 mil shares out? My back of napkin math says $1.40 give or take .10c OK I'll take that, now where is the money for the inferred potential?
No one here created these doubts or innuendo. Did you see the graph posted yesterday. Right after the $5.40 financing the big boys started to go "Canaco Light. " Why and why all of them? I'll give 50% of that sell off to the experts saying on BNN and the worldwide press, get out of juniors and into producers or you will get hurt. ( June 2011 ) That would be $3.00
Why would this analyst say it's a buy at $1.30 and 30 days later dump it. This guy is a small fish relative to the float but it's an about face and on BNN yesterday , when asked by the caller "Tom" about CAN got off the topic in a hurry. If he is a start up hound then it was completely out of character and against his business model to stay with Canaco and put a buy on it 30 days ago at $1.30 ?!
Remember the Prez. getting up in front of everyone and saying , " I am going against the advice of my colleagues and ordering 100 drill holes be completed by June." Why? Because they were talking a 1.4 km strike that they believed was 14km in length and wanted to prove it. The next question, "Do you have a poison pill in mind?', the answer, " We need to be careful with that, we don't want to discourage any take over conversations, we have had discussions and that's why we need to drill this up quickly to show how big this is."
What I want to see is Canaco report on all the potential they said they were drilling to uncover. I want to see the permits and negotiations for permits to fire up this mine in 2015 at a projected recovery rate of $288 ounce as outlined in their information packs. I want them to report to the shareholders with reasonable business transparency exactly what they are doing and where we are relative to mine construction or any other reasonable business opportunity available to the shareholders. It's not too much to ask.
I wish I could leave this alone but as a shareholder I need to know if it's time to leave or stay . Canaco just needs to answer the questions they initiated.