RE: Holy mackeral .! $350 million @13% Patience Sysaphus, I doubt management and Pareto have magically seen the light and decided to finally push our Co.s interest ahead of their own. Would love to hear the BOD answer to keeping all these incompetent fools employed. Noticed our VP flew the coup, maybe going to work for a decent Co. The shenanigans between management, Pareto, Bors is unparalled. According to Anders Antonnson email to me, management realised the needed to look into other means to finance project in the Fall. Which would coincide with Pas dumping frenzy. Aug.-560,000, Sept.-1.5 million, Oct.-2.9 million, Nov.-1.05 million, Dec.-1.65 million, Jan.-2.28 million. Are kidding me, your lead broker dumps 9.75 million shares in6 months...and the Co. chooses these idiots to finance us again. Is the Bors as incompetent as management...LET the INVESTIGATION BEGIN.