RE: RE: Au report about GGN ... Spec..
Good Call on Scorpio.. Also like their silver play t.SPM.. (& the other V<SGN) and made serious $$$ watching it run form 0.60- 5.00 in a short time and on their way to the NY stock exchange...
I've had fun in mining stocks.. watched ven go from 1.00 to 10.00 + FNX run from .90-- 32.00..
GGN is fine and will work its way back into the lime light..I havent hear the fat lady sing yet, expect for a few on this thread, and they still are discovering their identity...
You might be onto something with TD buying for Mr Chew and fund.. And or other funds.. Best I know has an excellent rep on the streets, never hear anything bad about them.. So could make sense why funds would chose them for the buying..
Oh not sure the poster moniker, maybe a traveler passing thru, but he's the 1 posted up the article.