Watch those Nickles Eli Goldratt once shared(late 1980's early 90's) "The Chicken Plukin Story", it was about a man who took over a chicken plucking facility in North Carolina. The place was in the dumps, the previous owner could not figure out why. The new owner had much of the same problem, so he decided he was going to expand the operation, put out more chickens... you know, simply increase the production 10 fold, or even more. It sounded great on paper, becasue his "revenues" were going to go through the roof. They did, he was right! It worked! Revenues were SCREAMING! But then he went broke, because he never stopped to figure out that it was costing him $1.05 for every chicken he processed and sold for $1.00. He lost SOOOOO many nickles! Millions, and millions of nickles!
So, if you want to hang your hat on revenue, go ahead. But keep an eye on your nickles.