Several shareholder meetings and... Close to 40 press releases and a monumental decline. Mr Proust keeps mentioning the markets and he is correct (I believe he said at the sparse meeting that there would be a comparison chart Market vs share price they were going to add to the website). What is also adding to the decline now is the missed deadline for the resource report which depending on the arrival could push this to year end at the earliest and maybe into 2013 which I suggested months ago.
We have summer doldrums approaching and I have kept warning you also of a market participation slowdown which will prevent any big change in share price and most likely to have a downward effect. We told you when some were all jubilant over the .73 s/p before the meeting this would change due to no permit and the delayed report. It may be also in time for tax loss season. You are warned again. even they don't have an idea when the permit will come. It has a good management team but they cannot predict 3rd world country politics.