Graphite Price/Quality Etc. I really get a kick out of how posters wrap themselves up in all of this and bring up competitors etc. At some point in the future more than simply these things will determine the success of each and every Graphite company. While quality/purity etc are important because they will determine what purpose the end user uses each companies graphite for. The best graphite will only be used for the best purposes if the end user is willing to pay the going rate for it. The other thing that is important here is while others are focusing on the lith-ion road and batteries, Focus is looking beyond that to the garphene demand and becoming a graphene supplier. Other practices that will affect wach company along the way are business model, management practices and of course ability to attract lucrative offtake partnerships. I believe that Gary's future plans for our company and the total concept of his business model and vision are by far above and beyond any other company in the Graphite sector. I am looking very forward to seeing what our Focus becomes....