zandom Compare the blue and gold forms carefully. You will note that:
- your CONTROL NO is different,
- the APPOINTEE(S) are different.
When you vote for GOLD, that information is passed on to Baja management because they are entitled to know how many proxy shares they are to vote, AND the instructions on how to vote on each of the five resolutions. It is Baja BOD who will be your proxy holder.
When you vote for BLUE, MK is notified how many share you have and and how to vote those shares (your instruction for each of the five resolutions).
Who do you want your proxy holder to be: Baja or MK? If Baja, then MK will not know your voting instructions. If MK, then Baja will not know your voting instructions.
Your voting instructions go to your chosen proxy holder based upon the CONTROL NUMBER which you enter on your computer keyboard. By law, your voting instructions must be executed exactly as you indicate regardless of who is your proxy holder (i.e. Baja or MK.
This is the reason why Baja management does not want you to use the BLUE CONTROL NO. Baja wants to keep a running tally of shareholders voting instructions (for each of the resolutions). They need you to vote using your GOLD CONTROL NO.
If you have voted blue on the internet, then simply vote again using the CONTROL NO. on the GOLD VIF (Voting Instruction Form). All internet voting is automatically time and date stamped. Sort of like LIFO (Last In, First Out). The last vote you case is the first (and only) to count.
Hope this is of some assistance.