Time is money!I wish RVD getsseconddrillrigs, drill wells 2 and 3simultaneously.Wenn i look at the map figure 18
https://www.rvminerals.com/cmsAssets/docs/Technical_Report_Sergipe_Potash_Project.pdf page 69
Isopach Map showing the total Evaporite Thickness within the Sergi Prospect
i see the first 3 wells are(will be) drilled in the 140-160 zone,the drill wells(DH,6,8,9) are planned in the red zone(200-220),compare with map on page 95! AGR second DH will be drill in the reed zone between RVD´sDH 1,4,8,9.....Thereforeitisveryimportantwhat is presented AGR!