RE: RE: RE: RE: Speculation on Tibutch and Dale Sp it seems the few longs still posting are only interested in the whereabouts of a poster who never (as far as i know) held a poisition in this issue. Seems strange to me that they never say anything about the company's, and the stock's, performance. One wonders why they bother posting at all. Surely they didn't think Tibutch's posts, or mine, or anyone else's for that matter, have had any impact of the pps or whether this company will be a sucess.
They get angry at anybody who says anything bad about this issue. Wouldn't their anger be better served if it was directed at someone who actually has some power to change things, that is to say management? Oh well, it takes all sorts.
I will not be surprised if my post generates the usual insults, or at least a juvenile response from the hyena. I guess it distracts from the pain.