RE: social media king I feel this poster is very suspect.
I had confidence in the 43-101 being around the corner but to see a guy with this M.O. show up makes me nervous.
He's clearly paid to be here.
He's got one line and it seems to be all about damage control.
Why show up now?, so close to the resource and a new 52 week low?
His posts either disparage anyone who says anything even romotely insightful, whether outright negative or not or he talks about how the 43-101 is just the beginning and that if anything, will be a low estimation of the total resource potential for CAN.
It just seems odd to me and my spider senses are tingling.
Patiently awaiting the 43-101 as are we all but IME, "Social Media King" appearance is an early indicator.
Even that psuedonym says he's clearly here to influence through social media (like sh).
Good luck to us all, I hope his apeearance is no omen.