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CI First Asset U.S. Tactical Sector Allocation Index ETF T.FUT

TSX:FUT - Post by User

Comment by BayWallon Mar 15, 2012 7:55pm
Post# 19677785

RE: First US !!! Nutri-lawn.......................

RE: First US !!! Nutri-lawn.......................

It's fitting that they start with a Canadian based company with franchise partners in the US. Maybe it was planned that way.

What is interesting, is that 3  US airline loyalty programs are offered at one retailer. So that's how Futura will do it. Is this a first in North America? Excellent !  Each of the 120 million members in the three combined airline loyalty programs can shop at the same store and collect their respective miles.

In Canada for example, an equivalent would be a retailer offering both Airmiles and Aeroplan. Unthinkable.

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