RE: RE: Very interesting information The World is small! :) Iammember ofthecommunityin Germany ( i think WO is the largestcommunityin Europe and maybe third community in the World after Stockhouse and Hotcopper.Niceifthehobbycanearna littlemoney and mining is my hobby !! Like all other on the WO I'mon the lookout forinterestinginvestment from all Canadian explorer.I followeveryday events,news,thatare inconnectionwith myinvestment.Canadais mydreamland,especially B.C. :-).On 16.11.11 I foundthemessageabout RVD, my eyeslookedvery interesting.For me are 5 questions very important;who, where, what, why,how much???.....Brazil is politicallystable,growingis economically,geography andclimateveryfavorable...Potash is very importantinagricultural and indispensabletoincreasingworldpopulation! I think with RVD we have good choise,good chance and good prospects for success!! At the monent i am invested in RVD and RGX !!
Sorry for my english,i hoppe you understand mewhatI mean!
P&L(Peaceand Love)