ATI or How I Committed Financial Suicide...I have read every piece of literature that relates to this company. I have accessed and dissected detailed research reports produced by reputable full-service brokerage houses. Every single indication, whether it be technical, quantitative or qualitative analysis pointed in the direction of this equity outperforming over the coming months. On paper you could only conclude that it was a no-brainer. If you're hungry you get something to eat, and if you want to buy a rock-solid growth prospect you buy ATI. That Canadian blue-chip /index-bound / near-monopoly rocket.
This has been an expensive lesson for me. Its only a paper loss right now, but its an expensive paper loss. So expensive that my bowels are starting to twist. I won't be adding much value with this post, but let me say for the world to hear that, as of today, I have learned that there is no such thing as a "great" company. The day you fall in love with a company is the day you commit financial suicide. I doubt that even God could turn a profit in this unpredictably cold and callous investment environment.
I mean, lets be serious...the market slashes 57% of the stock's value because of a macro-related component shortage? If this is what we call the "efficiencies of the market" then I have no trust or respect for the system. Frankly, I don't what to make of information anymore. I never saw this coming. Perhaps the retail investor was born to buy the chartered banks and Canada savings bonds.
Anyway...what a major bloody drag.